How to upload MP3 & WAV audio files to YouTube 🎬

Your audio may be music, a podcast, or a sound recording that you would like to share on YouTube. When it comes to sharing your own songs, podcast, or beats on YouTube, you might have encountered difficulties uploading your audio.

This is because YouTube doesn't support MP3 & WAV uploads by default. Because YouTube is a video platform, it is required to create a video for your audio. By creating a video for your audio you are able to share your audio on YouTube. Music 2 Tube makes this process very easy for you.

What is Music 2 Tube?

It is a user-friendly software program that allows you to upload MP3 & WAV files to your YouTube channel by creating videos for your audio.

With Music 2 Tube, can create videos easily & quickly for your audio within a few steps. My tool enables you to create videos for your audio in different formats. You are able to create videos within seconds for your audio for different platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

In the next section, I explain how you can create & upload a video for your MP3 or WAV file.

How to use Music 2 Tube to upload MP3 & WAV to YouTube

When you started a subscription on Music 2 Tube and you download the software, these are the simple steps you can follow to create a basic video for your audio. If you prefer to watch a tutorial, please scroll down for the video.

The steps to create & upload a video to YouTube

1. Click on the plus button to navigate to the 'create video' page. On this page, you are able to create a video.

2. Give your video a title related to your audio 

3. Select your audio file (drag & dropping files is possible) 

4. Select an image from your PC 

5. Now we want to enable uploading to YouTube. 

6. Click on the 'upload' button Enter & select all the required info for the video 

7. Click on the 'upload to youtube' button and confirm that you want to upload the video 

8. Now, click on the 'add video' button to add your video to your queue 

Your video is now added to the queue & ready to be uploaded to YouTube.
In the following last steps, you need to initiate the rendering process. This means that your videos will finally be processed. Here is how you can do it:

9. Navigate back to the queue by clicking on the arrow in the top left corner. Now you see your added video(s) in the queue.

10. Click the 'play' button to initiate the rendering process. Your videos will now be processed. You will receive a notification when the videos have finished processing.

👏 That's it! If you have any issues creating videos or uploading your videos, please contact us via Discord or via email at