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Create videos for music and podcasts

Easily create YouTube, Instagram and TikTok videos for your mp3 or wav files in seconds

audio to video with music 2 tube
Try Music 2 Tube now

100.000+ videos created by producers, artists and musicians

macOS 12.3 / Windows 10+ is recommended

"This app is what I've been missing"

Igoxd Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Igo / music producer

"It is a huge time-saver"

Birchworld Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Heleana / content creator

"Must have for every musician!"

Birchworld Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Birch World / music producer

We have every feature you need

Create beat videos for audio in bulk

Beat videos in bulk

Create multiple beat videos at once

Unlimited videos

Unlimited videos

Upload unlimited videos to YouTube

direct uploads music 2 tube

Direct uploads

Auto-upload to YouTube after rendering

Schedule uploads music 2 tube

Schedule uploads

Schedule your video uploads

No audio re-rendering

No audio re-rendering

Music to Tube respects your beat audio quality

Export videos for YouTube and Instagram

Video formats

YouTube, Instagram, Reels, Shorts and TikTok format available

GIF animations

GIF Animations

Create beat videos with GIF animations

Customize beat videos

Customize beat videos

Customize video elements to your taste

Video effect overlays


Apply overlays such as a VHS effect, grain and more

Video effects for beat video upload mp3 to youtube


Apply blur on background images

Watermark videos

Watermark videos

Let people know the video is yours

Cloud support for music 2 tube

Cloud support

Use files from Google Drive and more

Make videos easily and free yourself from the hassle

Create for YouTube, Instagram and TikTok

Transform your images and audio files into captivating videos. With just a single image as the video cover and an accompanying audio file, you can effortlessly create a simple yet impactful music video.

Upload to YouTube

Learn how you can create videos for your mp3 & wav audio files in Music 2 Tube, and upload them to your YouTube channel(s).

Create in bulk

Creating and uploading multiple videos at the same time is easy in Music 2 Tube. Just drag & drop your files into the queue and you are ready to go.

Set default video details

Save your valuable time by setting default video details. No need to enter the title, description, and keywords for every video upload.

Add your style & branding

Make your video stand out with your branding. Change image cover, apply effects, overlays, watermark and more.

Blurred background

Blurred Background Music 2 Tube



Watermark your videos

Watermark Music 2 Tube

What our users say about us 

We empower people to create & upload videos for their beats, songs & podcasts.

Easy and affordable
I found it really easy to use the program. I intergrated it really fast into my daily work routine, and it works like a charm. A really affordable and reliably program to make video's for youtube and other social platforms.

Prod Era Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Prod Era

Must have for every musician!
This tool allows you to create stunning videos quickly and easily. If you need simple yet effective videos, then this is the perfect solution for you!

Birchworld Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Birch World

Great software and easy in use
Great software and easy to use. You can create videos in a few seconds, and the support is excellent too! If you have a problem, the support team will fix it the same day.

Britt G. Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Trustpilot Britt G.

This app is exactly what I've been missing
Instead of spending a lot of time creating and uploading videos for my beats, I can now focus on creating even more. This gives me the freedom to dedicate more time to my creativity.

Igoxd Music 2 Tube Review Testimonial Igoxd

Prices you won't find anywhere else

You get all the features in every plan. Cancel or pause anytime you want.

20% OFF! 🤯


$79.20 / $99.00

Pay once and own forever

All functionalities

 Create unlimited videos

Unlimited video length

No Music 2 Tube watermark

Connect 5 YouTube channels

Secure payments through Stripe


$3.17 / month

Billed $37.99 annually

All functionalities

 Create unlimited videos

Unlimited video length

No Music 2 Tube watermark

Connect 1 YouTube channel

Secure payments through Stripe
Try it for a week 🎉


$3.49 / week

Billed every week

All functionalities

 Create unlimited videos

Unlimited video length

No Music 2 Tube watermark

Connect 1 YouTube channel

Secure payments through Stripe


Your data is secure. The authentication is handled by Google. We don't store any user credentials on our side.


Get support from us via the live chat, email, Discord or social media within 24 hours.

Money-back Guarantee

Is the software not working properly on your device? If we can't fix it within 5 business days we offer a refund.

Discover the benefits of choosing Music 2 Tube over tunestotube

Questions & Answers